Social Media Assistant

Arte, Medios de Comunicación, Diseño

2 mayo 2024686 vistas

I'm looking for a woman to be my assistant for content creation, mostly to make videos in the spa for massages or facials, someone who can record the process while I receive the treatment, I just need them to film because I will do the editing.
About me:
I'm Mexican, an Ayurvedic therapist based in London, 28 years old.

The way I would pay is by the hour or do an exchange, I could give you a massage or facial in my studio in exchange for each video we make together.
If you're interested, please apply.
  • Experiencia
    No se requiere
  • Idiomas
    Español – Básico
    Inglés – Básico
  • Jornada
  • Salario
    12 £ – 15 £ por hora
  • Extras
    I pay transport, discounts
  • Inicio
    Incorporación inmediata

pin icon19A Dorset Road, N22 7SL, London

Arte, Medios de Comunicación, DiseñoLondon

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